Thursday, 20 December 2007

Focal Point - Shopping Security

Internet retail sales will be at their biggest this Christmas season. Do you know how to shop safely on-line? Chris and Gihan discuss the facts, fears and fiction about on-line shopping, so you can shop safely and securely all year round.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:

Friday, 7 December 2007

Social Networking

Have you tapped into the social networking buzz, with LinkedIn, Facebook and mySpace? Chris Pudney and Gihan Perera help you understand these popular social networking services, and how to tap into them in your personal and professional life.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:

Thursday, 22 November 2007

The Federal Election and the Internet

In Australia, a Federal election is just around the corner - perhaps the first in Australia where a mature Internet might have an influence on the result. Chris Pudney and Gihan Perera talk about the lead-up to the election, and rate the major political parties on their use of the Internet during the campaign.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:Winner of ABC video competition:

Another competition entry:

And a report that came in after we published the podcast: ABC Radio National talking about the level of engagement of citizens in politics.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Social Bookmarking

You've got a Web site or a blog, but is it getting "dugg"? And is it ""? These are just two of the services promoting "social bookmarking". Listen to Chris Pudney and Gihan Perera discuss this important new trend on the Web, and learn how to use it to improve your Internet research skills and your business position on-line.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Information Feeds

If you're suffering from information overload, that's good! Your clients and customers expect you to take information, filter it, and present it in relevant, meaningful ways for them. But how do you do this without collapsing under the weight of all that information? Chris and Gihan talk about ways to gather and process relevant information easily, while ignoring the mass of irrelevant junk on the Internet.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:Example of RSS icon:

Friday, 7 September 2007

YouTube and the Politician

Get a life. With the interactive Web 2.0 world, it's not enough to make a token effort to be in the "in crowd" - as Australian Prime Minister John Howard discovered after his first lame foray into on-line video. Learn why he got it wrong, and how you can avoid the same mistake.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:

Thursday, 23 August 2007


Wikipedia, the world's free on-line encyclopedia, is a success story in the power of Web 2.0: Community collaboration to build a free resource to serve the Internet community in return. Gihan and Chris talk about the site, the concept and the ways you can take part in the Wikipedia experience.

MP3 File

Web sites we discussed:

Friday, 3 August 2007

Focal Point - Phishing

Protect yourself from Internet scammers! The increasingly common scam of "phishing" takes advantage of people's implicit trust in authority and their fear of financial loss. Learn what it is and how to protect yourself from it.

MP3 File

Additional resources:

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Focal Point - eBay

eBay is more than just a Web site for consumers to sell their unwanted goods. It's now a multi-billion dollar marketplace, and a viable distribution outlet for any on-line business.

MP3 File

Additional resources:

Thursday, 7 June 2007

What is Web 2.0?

Just what is Web 2.0 - the phenomenon sweeping the Internet? Chris and Gihan give you the big picture overview - explaining the principles of Web 2.0 and how to change your thinking to take advantage of it.

MP3 File

Additional Resources

Wikipedia has an introduction to Web 2.0.

Download "An Introduction to Web 2.0", a special report from the Change This Web site. This report gives you an excellent introduction to Web 2.0 from a business perspective.

Monday, 21 May 2007

Focal Point - Flickr

Learn how to use, one of the world's leading photo-sharing sites, in your personal and professional life. Chris and Gihan share tips about loading photos, making them accessible to others, and managing copyright issues.

MP3 File

Web sites we mentioned in this program:

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Google, Privacy and You

Are you a private person? Really - are you sure? The Internet makes it so much easier for people to find out about you, your lifestyle and your habits. Chris and Gihan talk about how you could be exposing yourself (so to speak!) to a world-wide Internet audience.

MP3 File

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Be An Affiliate

Even if you don't have your own products to sell, you can become an "affiliate" to sell other people's products. Chris and Gihan talk about the pros and cons of affiliate marketing.

Listen to our conversation here:

Or download it to your computer:

MP3 File

The Web sites we mentioned were Commission Junction and ClickBank.

Monday, 26 March 2007

Outsourcing - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

A couple of weeks ago, an article in the Sydney Morning Herald asked whether computer science was dead. In this week's podcast, Gihan and Chris ponder the question and talk about the growing trend of outsourcing IT services. Is it really such a bad thing, and can you take advantage of it in your business?

Listen to our conversation here:

Or download it to your computer:

MP3 File

The Web sites we mentioned are, and

Find out more about outsourcing your services.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Blogging - The New Wave

In the last two years, everybody's been talking about blogs. In this chat, Chris and Gihan talk about their blogs - why they create them, how they update them, and what value they create on the Internet.

Listen to our conversation here:

or download the MP3 file to your computer:

MP3 File

In the show, we referred to these Web sites:

Find out more about blogging here
