Download MP3 File
Broadly, there are two ways to listen to on-line music
- Acquisition: download audio files and then listen to them
- Access: stream audio from the "cloud"
Useful Web sites
- Our previous podcast "Cloud Computing" is fundamental to the "Access" model
- Our previous podcast "Free is the New Business Model" has significant implications for music.
- Cartoon courtesy of XKCD
- Has the RIAA declared DRM to be dead?
- Big Content: ludicrous to expect DRMed music to work forever (even more reason to avoid DRM)
The Times is reporting that the record industry plans to launch a new digital album format dubbed "CMX". In addition to audio tracks it will include cover art, lyrics, liner notes, ring-tones and other goodies. There's no mention of whether CDX will include baddies such as DRM. Apparently, the record companies invited Apple to be involved but Apple said it wasn't interested. Apple has subsequently started work on its own digital album format named "Cocktail".
Great tip from an avid listener:
I make a point of annotating the music in the metadata in iTunes if we download music offered for free legal download (e.g. from sources such as the ABC's TripleJ new music) with the site downloaded from, and that it was a free legal download. Helpful to be able to justify it if ever asked.
Contrasting approaches taken by Nokia and Spotify (iPhone App) regarding mobile music. Time will tell whether the download (acquisition) or streaming (access) model will prevail.
According to TechCrunch, Google are about to launch a music download service in collaboration with LaLa/iLike.
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