MP3 File
Links to articles about Google:
- Google is the world's largest open-source company (if you count lines of open-sourced code).
- Gmail in Germany
- Plethora of Android devices with varying hardware creates difficulties for developers vs. one (few) iPhone with fixed hardware.
- Google Everywhere: Google wants to control the Internet, and could come up against anti-trust issues as Microsoft did in the 1990s.
- Is Apple Evil? - from Jason Calacanis
- Apple vs. PsyStar (Mac clones)
- Apple vs. Palm Pre (iTunes synch)
- Apple vs. Woolworths (logo)
- Latest OSX update might lock-out Intel Atom processor
- Apple rejects Google Voice application on the iPhone
Google has released an open-source version of "Closure", a collection of software tools they used to build Gmail, Google Docs and Google Maps, in the hope that it will enable external developers to create faster web-applications.
Fortune Magazine has labelled Apple's Steve Jobs, CEO of the decade.
iPhone vs. Droid
From a loyal listener:
I thought your podcast "It's an Open and Shut Argument" was interesting. An article entitled "The meaning of open" by a senior Google exec has been published which might be of interest. Some of the writer's points resonate with points made in your podcast.
Gruber's comment on the article is also thought-provoking:
As Google's Android operating system for mobile phones grows in popularity, the battle lines between Google and Apple are getting clearer. Kit Eaton paints a glimpse of the future in his article "Is Google vs. Mac the New Mac vs. PC?"
A not so happy Android developer's top 10 gripes.
Apple might replace Google with Microsoft's Bing as the default web-search engine on the iPhone.
Wade Roush muses on the Apple Paradox.
The FSF believes Apple's newly launched iPad is so hamstrung by DRM that they've organised a petition calling on Apple to remove all DRM from its products.
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