- Censorship
- Great Firewall of China
- Amazon removes sales rankings of gay and lesbian books - Copyright
- Filesharing gets hammered down for copyrighted materials
- Google Books indexing copyrighted material - Privacy
- Google Street View invades privacy
- Facebook’s Privacy Policy changes - Social Networking
- Protesters use social networks during Iran elections
- Blogger, Dooce, gets fired for blogging about work - Access
- Internet Service Providers throttle bandwidth consumption
- Climategate
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This was inspired by, and based on, the blog post 15 Biggest Internet Controversies of the Past Decade.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, tens of thousands of movie downloaders have recently been sued by a US copyright group on behalf of the makers of five independent films. If successful this could be a sign of things to come. Lawyer, Jeffery Weaver describes his firm's litigation as "...creating a revenue revenue stream and monetizing the equivalent of an alternative distribution channel".
NPR reports that the House of Commons' Science and Technology Committee investigating "Climategate" have found no evidence to support charges that the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit or its director, Phil Jones, had tampered with data or perverted the peer review process to exaggerate the threat of global warming. This was a relatively brief inquiry. Another UK inquiry will looking into whether scientists, including Jones, fudged data or manipulated the peer review process. It will also examine the extent to which the university followed applicable freedom of information laws. A third inquiry will investigate the integrity of the science itself.
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