Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Internet Censorship in Australia: Recap and Update

The Australian government has deferred its controversial Internet censorship legislation - but the fight isn't over yet!

Listen to the episode here, or download the MP3 file:

MP3 File

The timeline we discussed, and related links:


Chris said...

During a Senate estimates hearing, Senator Stephen Conroy has lashed out at Google and Facebook over their handling of privacy. Google responded by saying it was surprised to hear criticism about its privacy record in a hearing that was supposed to be about the government's proposed internet filter.

ChrisP said...

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Greens Senator Scott Ludlam has predicted (like us) that the Rudd government will shelve its Internet censorship legislation until after the next general election. Meanwhile, Labour MP Kate Lundy is advocating on her blog that the filter be "opt-in".